MUMBYN Technology Introduces Its 2020 Model of Thermal Label Printer

Do you want to know the real experience between of thermal label printer and injekt printer from Jerry? He is the writer also a printer user, check it now what is his idea and story in this blog!

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7 min read

MUMBYN Technology Introduces Its 2020 Model of Thermal Label Printer

How they used a label printer to improve their efficiency in their business? To understand this, the first thing we need to see how they were managing their business earlier before switching to thermal label printing.

When people grow in business, they need to adopt the new technologies and ideas in their business, however this takes time to understand that which technology or idea is suitable for their business needs. Earlier they were managing their warehouse with their inkjet printers, and they were sure that they are actually saving the cost and the time using the old technology of printing their labels. However, they were spending more money and investing more time in purchasing ink cartridges, paper and cello tapes. It takes approx. 30 seconds to print and stick a label from a normal inkjet printer. And for a surprise it takes just 3-5 seconds to print and stick a label using a thermal label printer. This saves a lot of time and money. Thermal label printers are very small very easy to use. These label printers do not need any ink cartridges and the labels printed from thermal label printer are very attractive. Let us understand this in details that what a thermal label printer is


What Is a Thermal Printer

A thermal printer is different from a normal inkjet printer. The inkjet printer use printer head to spray the ink on the paper to print something but a thermal printer use heating elements to transfer or activate the tiny pigments on the paper. Below is short description of the technology for a better understanding.  

Thermal printing: In the direct thermal printing printer thermal head use heating elements to activate the pigments on the thermal paper. In this technology there is no need for any kind of ink or ribbon ink. The thermal paper which will be used with this printer is already chemically treated and does not require any other ink. This is the most popular printer which is being used across the retail and shipping industry. 

Now after having the understanding about the working of thermal label printers so now let us has a look what are the main differences between an inkjet printer and a thermal printer. We will compare these two printing technologies on the basis of the label printing.

Inkjet Printer

Expensive: Inkjet printers are expensive and they require ink to print hence we need to change the ink cartridges or tonners very frequently which makes them more expensive.

Need more resources: Inkjet printer needs more resources while it comes to print labels. You need glue or cello tapes to stick the labels and scissor to cut the labels in the required shape.

Durability: Inkjet printers have less durability as compared to thermal printers.

Space: You need more space for an inkjet printer.

Thermal Label Printer

Less Expensive: Since a thermal printer does not required ink cartridges or tonners so it makes thermal printers less expensive as compared to an inkjet printer.

Fewer resources required: With a thermal label printer, just need thermal paper and the printer only, nothing else is needed.

Durability: Thermal printers are durable and they do not need much maintenance which makes them more popular.

Space: These tiny printers are very efficient and they do not need much space in your store or in your warehouse. They are easy to use with computers and need less power than an inkjet printer. They can be shifted anywhere with your laptop.

Speedy work: It takes seconds to print your label when you use a thermal printer and does not need glue, cello tapes and scissors to cut the label and stick it to the package. People wonder that how much time they were investing in this work earlier which takes some seconds now and look so professional and attractive. They just need to print the label which takes about 10 seconds and peel it and stick it where they want and the whole process is lot easier than they think.

More professional:  It looks more professional when we use these thermal labels because it does not need cutting and glue to stick it on the package.

Why They Switched From Inkjet Printer to Thermal Printer

After getting an idea about both the printing technologies they compared it and found that a 4x6 Label printer machine is far more efficient than a big inkjet printer. This 4x6 thermal label printer is actually a multitasking label printer which can be used as a Label Printer, Shipping Label Printer, Barcode label Printer, PayPal Label Printer, UPS label Printer, FedEx Label Printer, Product label Printer, Amazon Label Printer, Postage Label Printer and they can use it as a mailing label printer also. This commercial label printer is a solution for all those problems which we get with inkjet printers so I decided to switch to this 4x6 label printer machine.


Which Thermal Label Printer Is Good

After having understanding of the thermal printing technologies so it will help everyone to choose the best thermal printer for their business needs. When people choose a thermal label printer they need to keep some points in mind that their printer should be durable, easy to use, and inexpensive and it should be easy to manage. The thermal label printer should be compatible with all the applications and selling platforms which they use so that they can use the new printer with their existing software. It should support the different size of label printing so that they can choose the desired size as per the need.  It should work with windows and Mac platforms also because some individuals use Mac computers while some use windows computers.

On the basis of these points everyone will recommend the MUNBYN ITPP941 thermal label printer. Recommendation is based on the use and the research both so now let’s share the details of the specifications of this 4 inch label printer which I used and found it more efficient than my old inkjet printer. I am extremely satisfied with this printer. Firstly, let’s have a video look to know this label printer, then below are some useful points which everyone should know about it while making a decision.


Specifications of MUNBYN Thermal Label Printer

It is suitable for different size of labels: This 4x6 thermal printer is suitable with almost all kind of labels and it supports a print label size from 1.57 to 4.1. It can be used for the variety of the labels like warehouse labels, shipping labelsaddress labels, UPS shipping labels, FedEx shipping labels, etc.

It is compatible with Mac and Windows: This label printer is compatible with windows and Mac computers and it can be used with both operating systems. It is very easy to connect with the laptop and desktop computers. It just takes a minute to set up this label printer with any computer and people can start printing their labels. 

Compatible with all popular shipping platforms: Everyone can use this label printer with any shipping selling platform like Amazon, eBay, FedEx, UPS etc. You can print the label directly from their office application also. So they just need to change their inkjet printer only but not the application which they use to print their labels. It can be used as a Label Printer, ShippingLabel Printer, Barcode label Printer, PayPal Label Printer, UPS label Printer, FedEx Label Printer, Product label Printer, Amazon Label Printer, Postage Label Printer a mailing label printer also.

Auto Learn the Paper Size: It can sense the paper size itself automatically and can adjust itself without your intervention. This feature gives the freedom to use any paper size without even thinking.

Paper Size Adjustable: this feature can be used to adjust a specific paper size.


auto learn label size and print labels using MUNBYN thermal label printer


Anti Skid Function: This is also a very good point which needs to be mentioned MUNBYN thermal label printer, and we often ignore this point when we decide to purchase any printer. These features make sure that this printer can be used on any kind of surface. 

On the basis of all these features of a commercial thermal label printer and with the help of the comparisons between an inkjet printer and a thermal label printer, everyone will be able to understand that how they were able to increase the efficiency in their work in just 2 days. Sometimes it takes time to adopt the new technologies but this technology is so simple and effective that everyone can use this latest technology to manage their work in a proper and efficient way. They look more professional when they use the latest technologies and when it is less expensive also then there is no reason that we should not adopt that. Individual experience with the 4x6 MUNBYN thermal label printer is very good so the recommendation goes for MUNBYN printer. People are pleased with the durability and features of this printer and they will suggest going for this printer to all the new startups, online sellers and shippers. People can also share their experience with others so that they can be benefited from your experience.  


Question: What is the exact size of the MUNBYN thermal label printer Machine?

Answer: The size of the MUNBYN thermal label printer machine is 4x6 which makes it easy to handle.

Question: Can I use it in my warehouse for shipping labels?

Answer: Yes, This is a commercial label printer which can be used as a shipping label printer to print your shipping labels.

Question: I use UPS and FedEx, Can I use this thermal printer with their applications?

Answer: Yes, You can use this thermal printer as your UPS label printer and FedEx label printer with your application software. Also it can be used as Amazon Label printer also.

Question: Is this compatible with PayPal application?

Answer: Yes, You can print your PayPal Labels with this thermal printer and it will work as your PayPal label printer.

Question: Can I use it as a barcode printer also?

Answer: Yes, this is a commercial label printer and you can use it as your barcode printer also.

Question: Can I print the product labels also in my store with this MUNBYN thermal printer?

Answer: Yes, this 4-inch thermal printer can work as your product label printer in your store, it can print label width 18mm-108mm.

Question: Is this thermal printer good for mailing labels also?

Answer: Yes, It works as your postage label printer and your mailing label printer also.


Peux ton imprimer des timbres ? Et que et la taille à mettre si oui ?

Adeline Simoulin

Sur quel logiciel créer des étiquettes personnalisés Munbyn ?


L’imprimante fonctionne t’elle avec collisimo ?


Hi , may I know this Munbyn printer can connect with Bluetooth ? Exp we screenshot the waybill and print out ?


I would like to know how MUNBYN printing works in relation to the replacement of the print ribbon.

Yonah Babichack

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