8 Etsy Packaging Ideas You Should Try

If you’re looking to start an ecommerce business, then you need to make sure that your packaging design stands out from other brands and makes a good first impression on your customers. So what are some ways you can accomplish this?
Choose packaging material
The material you choose for your packaging can have a huge impact on how well it performs. Consider what the most important qualities are for your product and whether you need something that's durable, reusable or disposable. Here are some different materials you could use:
Honeycomb paper is good for fragile, smaller goods like jewelry. This material has a honeycomb pattern inside which helps absorb shock and protect delicate items during shipping. The paper itself is thin and lightweight so it won't add much weight to your order but will still provide enough protection to make sure your products arrive in great shape.
Brown kraft paper gives a handmade and rustic vibe—it's thick enough so items don't get damaged during shipping, yet light enough that they won't cost too much money to ship either. It also looks great with any logo sticker or label because of its natural texture!

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Use an envelope with a handwritten note
If you want to send a lovely gift that doesn't feel like a handout, write a handwritten note and use a nice envelope. This can be as simple as purchasing an envelope from Amazon and printing out your message on some stationery, or you can get creative with the design of your packaging by using stickers or labels. You can also personalize it further by writing on your own stationery and adding custom stickers for decoration or for information about what's inside.
Include a gift card
The gift card is a great way to build brand awareness and remind customers that you're open for business. This is especially true for smaller companies, whose products or services aren't as visible to the public as those of their larger competitors. A gift card can also be used as a coupon; if someone buys your product or service at full price, they can use their gift card toward future purchases. If you're looking for an easy way to boost sales and drive repeat business, include a gift card in your packaging!
Include a sample of your product
A sample of your product is one of the most effective ways to stand out from the crowd.
Include a sample of your product. The best thing you can include is something that represents your brand and its aesthetic: whether that's an organic cotton T-shirt or a bar of soap with an adorable illustration on it. You want to give people a taste of what they're buying into (literally). This will also help them decide if they like the product before they commit to spending money on it.
Include instructions on how to use the product. If someone has been convinced by all this packaging that they need this thing you've made, then make sure they know how best to use it! Include instructions for application on any beauty products or anything else where there might be some confusion about how much is needed for optimal results.
Include instructions on how to care for the product after purchase—or at least links out to those resources online so customers have access when needed later down the line if there are any issues with their new purchase or questions arise after initial use.
Include a thank you note
Thank you notes are one of the best ways to show appreciation, especially for those who've gone out of their way to assist you. They're also a great way to build relationships, so include a handwritten or digital thank you note with each package that you send out. Handwritten notes require more effort and time on your part, but they have an old-fashioned appeal that makes them memorable.

Business card
A business card is a great way to show off your brand. Make sure that you include your logo, name, and contact information so that the customer can easily find you again if they need more supplies or would like to buy something else from you. Include your social media links so that they can follow you on all of your platforms; this will ensure that they keep seeing updates about new products and upcoming sales. If there’s room in the packaging, include a business card with an image of one of the products included in the package as well!
Include a small gift
In addition to your packaging, you should also include a small gift. This is a great way to show the customer how much you appreciate their business and encourage them to return. It could be something as simple as a handwritten note thanking the buyer for their purchase, or it might be something more substantial such as an extra sample of your product or another promotional item.

Care instructions
Care labels help customers understand how to properly wash and dry their garments and how long they can be expected to last (i.e., whether or not it will shrink). They also provide information about which fabrics are best suited for specific types of clothing—for instance, if you have an item made out of 100% cotton, you should probably specify that in your care instructions so that people know they can throw it in with their other clothes when washing.
Hopefully, this article has helped you get some ideas for your next packaging project. With so many different options available, there’s no reason not to get creative with your packaging!
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